Sundays @ Harmony

In person @ 9:30am or 11AM

✔︎ Music that rocks
✔︎ Relevant life messages
✔︎ Kids love it!

Black and White Circle Camping and Adventure Logo


please join us on the second Sunday of every month (right after both services) for a quick 15-minute informational meeting where you can meet Kent and other staff, as well as learn more about Harmony and get your questions answered!

Watch Before You Come

Check out last weeks worship service @ Harmony Christian Church in Georgetown, KY.  We know that checking out a new church can be a little overwhelming, don’t let that stop you, watch online and then join us for one of our live worship services at 9:30AM OR 11AM (also on Facebook LIVE).

Check out last weeks worship service @ Harmony Christian Church in Georgetown, KY.  We know that checking out a new church can be a little overwhelming, don’t let that stop you, watch online and then join us for one of our live worship services at 9:30AM OR 11AM (also on Facebook LIVE).

Upcoming at Harmony

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December 15, 2024 – Giving to the Giver

In Sunday’s sermon, we explored a profound question: Why would someone give up something so costly as their life for the cause of Christ? This question is especially poignant during the Christmas season, a time that marks the defining moment of all history—the birth of Jesus Christ. Through the story of Dietrich Bonhoeffer and the journey of the Magi, we uncover the deep reasons behind such sacrificial devotion.

December 8, 2024: The Cost of Christmas

Mary and Joseph’s journey was far from the sanitized version we often see in nativity scenes. Mary, a young teenager, faced societal judgment and whispers due to her pregnancy. Joseph, initially planning to divorce her quietly, chose to stay after an angelic visitation. Their journey to Bethlehem, finding no room in the inn, and giving birth in a manger were all part of the cost they bore for the birth of Jesus.

December 1, 2024 – Regifting Christmas

As we approach the Christmas season, it’s easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of holiday preparations. But what if we took a moment to reflect on the deeper meaning of Christmas? This week’s sermon at Harmony Church delved into the life of John the Baptist, a pivotal figure who prepared the way for Jesus. Let’s explore how his story can inspire us to re-gift the message of Jesus in our own lives.