Connect Group Questions

Nov. 5, 2023 – Week 6 – Orienteering

Connect Group ?'s

Playing, Praying, and Growing together

Last weeks service

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This Weeks ?’s

Leader Hints are designed to help guide a leader to some information that we want to “tease” out of the group.  They are not there for you to directly read to the participants.  People are significantly more likely to remember things they said or came up with, so your goal is to help direct them to that answer.
FINAL NOTE:  Our goal is to get to the [APPLICATION QUESTION] to help work with people through how to apply what God is doing in their life.



    • Have you ever gotten lost in the woods? Other funny hiking stories are welcome too.
    • Based on last week, did anyone make a new Bible reading plan?


    Trail 9: How do I pray in a way that makes a difference?

    • Have you ever questioned the purpose and effectiveness of prayer in your life?
    • Kent said, “I believe God incarnates Himself to us in order to have relationship with us.” What does that mean?
      Leader Hint: God may know our hearts but wants us to ask and move His heart.
    • God comes to you ready for relationship with you in prayer – what is it that’s keeping you from entering that relationship?
    • In your prayer life, do you mainly focus on asking God for things or do you invite Him to take over your life and use it for His glory?
    • How can we get 100% of our prayers answered? Read 1 John 5:14.
    • So, what is the Father’s will? Read 2 Peter 3:9.

    Trail 10: How do I make God a habit?

    • What are some of the habits in your life? What about any keystone habits that influence other aspects of your daily routines?
      Example: Harmony uses servant leadership as a keystone habit to affect everything else.
    • In what ways can you create keystone habits that center around your relationship with God?
      Leader Hint: All habits are Cues, Routines, and Rewards. When creating a habit, create these. “After this cue, I will do this, and then I will receive that.”
    • Can you remember the Christian Keystone habits and other key habits? Leader Hint: 1) Spending time with Jesus in the word and 2) spending time with Jesus in prayer. Other key habits are solitude, memorize scripture, journaling, fasting, generosity, and meditating on God’s word.
    • Which of the habits stick out to you and how do you or could you incorporate them into your daily life?

    Application Question: 

    • Create a habit for God. What will yours be?
      Leader Hint: As a suggestion, a habit could be: Pray about my day each morning
      • Cue: When I pull out of my driveway.
        Routine: I will pray to invite God into my day and for wisdom and peace over each major thing for the day.
        Reward: My mind is oriented to God for the day and he has drawn close to me.
    • Take up prayer requests and pray together.

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    Submit a Prayer

    Does your group have a prayer request that you think would be helpful for our care ministry team to know about and be praying for?  Submit it below:

    Our church has an INCREDIBLE care ministry team.  They regularly pray over the needs in our church and contact those who need care.  If you need prayer, please submit your request here.

    Prayer Request Submission

    Prayer requests remain on our list for two weeks. If the need is on going, please resubmit or contact our prayer team.

    Would you be interested in learning more about joining our care team and praying for the needs of those in our church and caring for them?

    I would like to have someone follow up with me and personally pray for my need with me. You will receive a phone call or text from one of our team member if you select this option