Connect Group Questions

March 5, 2023 – Week 1 – Follow Me (Section 33)

Connect Group ?'s

Playing, Praying, and Growing together

Last weeks service

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This Weeks ?’s

Leader Hints are designed to help guide a leader to some information that we want to “tease” out of the group.  They are not there for you to directly read to the participants.  People are significantly more likely to remember things they said or came up with, so your goal is to help direct them to that answer.
FINAL NOTE:  Our goal is to get to the [APPLICATION QUESTION] to help work with people through how to apply what God is doing in their life.



    • What opportunity would you drop everything to follow? Maybe you’d join a band, start a business, move somewhere, or change careers?
    • Think back to last week’s application question. Did anyone intentionally do something that represents one of the 3 moves towards discipleship? 1) Die to yourself, 2) Live by faith, or 3) Learn the heart of Jesus.


    • What stuck out to you from the sermon?
    • Read Matt 4:18-22. This parallels with Mark 1:16-20.
    • Kent said these guys would have already known about Jesus. This opposes the common thought that they blindly followed him. Does this idea change how you view the calling of the disciples as well as how people are called today?
    • Why does Jesus need disciples?
      (Leader Hint: He doesn’t. This reveals something about God’s character)
    • So why does Jesus recruit disciples?
      (Leader Hint: It’s His deep pleasure to use and partner with people to advance His kingdom.)
    • Can anyone think of other examples in the Bible where God partnered with a people?
      (Leader Hint: examples could be: Garden of Eden, Noah, Abraham’s family, Moses at Mt. Sinai., David)
    • By partnering with the disciples, He says He will make them fishers of men. This will “raise their vision.” How will he do this?
      (Leader Hint: He will love them and teach them to reflect His love back into the world.)
    • What is the job of the disciple?
    • Based on this discussion, can Jesus raise your vision during your current stage of life?

    Application Question: 

    • What is an actionable thing we can do that would allow Jesus to raise our vision into that of a disciple in our current lives?
      (Leader Hint: examples could be praying for your coworkers, looking for opportunities to mention Jesus)
    • Take up prayer requests and pray as a group. Pray that Jesus would change our mindsets to that of the disciples.


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    Our church has an INCREDIBLE care ministry team.  They regularly pray over the needs in our church and contact those who need care.  If you need prayer, please submit your request here.

    Prayer Request Submission

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