Connect Group Questions

March 26 – Week 4 – Sabbath & Honor Problems (SECTION 43)

Connect Group ?'s

Playing, Praying, and Growing together

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Leader Hints are designed to help guide a leader to some information that we want to “tease” out of the group.  They are not there for you to directly read to the participants.  People are significantly more likely to remember things they said or came up with, so your goal is to help direct them to that answer.
FINAL NOTE:  Our goal is to get to the [APPLICATION QUESTION] to help work with people through how to apply what God is doing in their life.



    • What are some culture norms that we give more importance to than they actually deserve?
    • Let’s check in on last week’s application question.  What is 1 thing (a memory, place, or anything) where you’ve encountered Jesus? Turn this into an anchor for yourself. Create a way to come across it often. Then when you do, bring your focus to what Jesus has ultimately done for you.


    • What do you remember about the sermon?
    • Read John 5:17-18
    • Why does Jesus ignore observing the Sabbath? Does this mean we should?
    • What is the balance between doing good and observing Law?
    • Read John 5:19-23
    • Jesus uses phrases like, “Very truly I tell you…” often. Why does he do that? Can anyone translate this to Appalachia?
    • Can you think of another phrase he uses like this?
      Leader Hint: “If anyone has ears to ear, let him hear.”
    • Jesus quickly moves from the Sabbath question to something deeper. What he is trying to tell us here?
      Leader Hint: Jesus mimics the Father and so the Father has entrusted all judgment to the Son. And so, we can be sure that when Jesus seemingly ignores a law, it is for ‘greater works than these.’
    • Read John 5:24-30.
    • What is Jesus trying to get across here? Does anything stand out to you?
      Leader Hint: There are two things. 1) Jesus is offering a way to avoid judgment. 2) a description of the final judgment.
    • Jesus mentions people that have done “good” and people that have done “evil.” Kent explained the difference. Does anyone remember?
      Leader Hint: Doing good is to hear Jesus’ words and believe Him. Doing evil is to understand what God has offered us and ignore it. This is remaining in rebellion to God, saying “We don’t need you.”
    • How can we change our perception of what good is? From how we define it to how Jesus defines it?

    Application Question: 

    • Is there a tradition you focus on that has lost its original meaning? Is Jesus asking you to refocus on the meaning in maybe a different way?
    • Take up prayer requests and pray as a group.

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    Our church has an INCREDIBLE care ministry team.  They regularly pray over the needs in our church and contact those who need care.  If you need prayer, please submit your request here.

    Prayer Request Submission

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