March 2022
In-the-Know Monthly Newsletter
Last Month Recap
Wins for The Kingdom!
We had two baptisms this month
Our volunteers create a Kid’s ministry kids love to be a part of – so much so that one child told their parents they’d rather go to Church than their basketball game!
Our church nursery has been booming, sometimes with as many as 10 babies
- We’ve had several new people step up to serve on our Production Team and are helping us create a powerful worship experience for people to hear and see the love of God
- Outreach brought chocolates & smiles to some special friends on Valentine’s Day
- Our Care Ministry team has been ministering to so many through prayer, calls, and visitations
- We had three Connection Groups spin-off from the Spin-Off Experience
- Our teen ministry has seen several victories as students open up and share about their experience and engage with adults who care about them and are leading them closer to Jesus
Prayer Requests
Calling all Prayer Warriors
- Pray that God will raise up people to serve in our ministry to kids
- Pray for opportunities for our church to make a difference in people’s lives in Georgetown
- Pray for those affected by grief and loss
- Pray for our church as we continue to seek financial stability in order to reach more people with the Gospel
- Pray for our Student Ministry (Teens) and those who lead them, these students face such huge pressures and issues and need to deeply know the love of God
Have a prayer request? Join our Online Facebook Community to post it or contact our care ministry via email
Ephesians 1:18-19
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength
of every dollar given at Harmony goes straight to Missions, the rest goes to creating stories of Kingdom Impact in the lives of those you touch!
Why Disciples?
– by Kent Wagner
Advancing the Kingdom by Living for God and Loving People
What’s in a name?
My dad said he and my mom named me “Kent Alexander Wagner” because he had always worked at radio stations and had dreamed of being a big-time DJ. He thought, “Kent Alexander” had a really nice ring to it for a DJ’s name. When I was in high school, I actually DJ’s for a while, I was terrible at it – talking to a microphone pretending people were listening was not my cup of tea.
Names matter. From the origin to a name, to someone remembering or forgetting your name. A name is who we are. Shocker, but I’ve been Kent for my entire life (except for a short period when I went by George at the age of 4 – but that’s a story for another time). Kent is how I think of myself and, at least in my world, I define what it means to be a Kent.
I was thinking about this idea and what it is that we all call ourselves in this faith journey we take with Jesus. The name Christian. But do you know where that name came from? The name was a name given to us early on in the history of the global church – nearly 2,000 years ago. You can find the first time Christians were called Christians in the bible in Acts 11:26b “So for a whole year Barnabas and Saul met with the church and taught great numbers of people. The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.”
What had happened was persecution had broken out in Jerusalem and the early followers of Jesus were dispersed throughout the Roman empire. Some of those who had been scattered arrived in Antioch, a Roman city off the coast of the Mediterranean sea. Non-Jewish people started coming to salvation in Jesus in large numbers for the first time. It is this group of non-Jewish people who get tagged by the citizens of Antioch as “Christians”.
What I want you to notice is Christian is not the name they gave themselves. It’s what they were called by the people of Antioch. It is a Greek name meaning “little anointed ones” or “little Christs.” I won’t go into all the details*, but in essence, the term Christian was a way of referring to those who belong to Christ.
But what was it that these early Christians called themselves? Did you notice it? “The disciples were called Christians first at Antioch.” How early followers of Jesus thought of themselves was as disciples. A disciple is someone who wants to learn to live, teach, and be like their rabbi. They want their life to be exactly like the one they follow – which is probably why the Greeks said, “they belong to Christ” in their name-calling.
But a subtle shift happened in that name exchange. The word disciple denoted something you were working on becoming – you were engaged in the process, active in it. Don’t get this confused with salvation and how we don’t work for that. Entering into the discipleship relationship is a free gift that comes by faith. Continuing in it as a disciple takes work and effort – we don’t earn salvation, but we do effort our way as disciples. This is why Paul says in Philippians 2:12 that we are to be working out our salvation with fear and trembling. You were not saved as an end unto yourself, you were saved to become a disciple.
Actually, the way the New Testament describes a disciple after the cross of Jesus is only in terms of discipleship to Jesus. I don’t disciple you, you don’t disciple someone else. We are all disciples of Jesus. He is our Rabbi – I am alongside you learning to be like Him, learning His teaching, His way of life and rhythms of grace, learning to be like Him in everything.
John will say in 1 John 2:6 “Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.” John is explaining to his audience that your faith is not simply a journey of belief, it is also a journey of action. You actively engaging in becoming like Jesus.
The whole reason the disciples called themselves disciples is because it’s LITERALLY the marching call Jesus gave them! Listen to Matthew 28:19-20 – this is after the cross after Jesus has risen from the dead, it is the way Matthew closes his good news of Jesus with a final commission for Jesus’ current disciples:
“18 Then Jesus came to them and said, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”
What does Jesus want them to do? Make disciples! How do you do that? You go, you baptize, you teach them to obey everything I’ve commanded you – ie. teach them that I’m the Rabbi and they need to be like/follow me.
So, maybe you’re sitting there going, “Ok Kent, I get it, but why all the hubbub bub?” Here is why all the hubbub. Because the name Christian describes what I am, disciple describes how I live – and in our modern world – those two things can be worlds apart. How many people do you know wear the name Christian and NOTHING is different about their life from those who don’t wear that name. Probably a lot of people. It’s because “Christian” doesn’t require a whole lot of you other than at some point you made a decision and said some words out loud. Disciple requires everything of you. It requires your thought life to start to change and submit to Jesus. It means the way you talk, the way you treat your family, how you care for strangers, and whether you will love or hate your enemy.
Listen, Jesus’ invitation to salvation was a gateway into His Kingdom where He is Rabbi and King. He wants to join with you in your life and move you into a deeper way of life – He invites you into something more. It will require that you make one monumental shift that will affect everything else. What is it? What is the one change you make as a disciple that changes everything?
You seek first God’s Kingdom and His righteousness (rightness/way of doing things).
This is “disciple”. Seek Him first. It’s kind of like that old idea of “WWJD?” (what would Jesus do?). It is you saying in your everyday life, I want everything I do to be like Jesus’. It means getting to know Him, actually studying and meditating on the gospel accounts in the New Testament (Matthew, Mark, Luke, & John – if you haven’t read these, don’t read anything else in the bible till you do). It means reading the book of Acts and asking yourself, “what is different about these early disciples from the way I live?”
Literally, making that one shift in your thinking will change everything.
Names matter, today you can go from simply being a Christian to living as a disciple, and let me tell you, once you make that shift, you will never go back, never!
Serving Jesus,
Kent A Wagner
Kent A. Wagner
*In Studies in Jewish and Christian History: Part Three, Elias Joseph Bickerman wrote,
All these Greek terms, formed with the Latin suffix -ianus, exactly as the Latin words of the same derivation, express the idea that the men or things referred to, belong to the person to whose name the suffix is added. In Greek as in Latin the suffix -ianus is a substitute for the possessive genitive… The term Καισαριανοί corresponds to the ellipse Καίσαρος (Caesaris servus [“a slave of Caesar”]) in other documents. The “Christians” belong to Christ, they are οί τοῦ χριστοῦ [“those of Christ”] as Paul says.
Harmony Has Space to Lease
You’ve likely never seen just how big Harmony really is! Did you know we have up to 12,000 square feet of undeveloped area as well as 10,000 square feet of Dock space available for lease?
If you know of a business looking for space, do us a favor and pass Harmony along. Have them contact David for more info (502) 863-9830.
By getting this space leased, we can unleash more dollars for ministry to Advance the Kingdom!
SEE HOW IT WORKS: Text $1 to (859) 459-0316, afterward text “refund” (no quotes) to get a refund.
In the future simply save the Text2Give number on your phone and text any amount (add ‘weekly’, ‘biweekly’, ‘monthly’, or ‘yearly’ for a recurring gift).
Command | Description |
$50 | Donates $50 to to Harmony. You can type any amount; the dollar sign is optional (e.g. $50 and 50 both work). |
give $50 | Same as above. |
give | You will receive a response asking “how much you’d like to give”. |
$50 missions | Donates $50 to the missions fund. You can also give to the building fund this way (example: $50 building) |
$50 weekly | Sets up a recurring gift of $50 each week. Frequency options are ‘weekly’, ‘biweekly’, ‘monthly’, and ‘yearly’. |
$50 missions weekly | Sets up a recurring gift of $50 each week to the missions fund. Frequency options are ‘weekly’, ‘biweekly’, ‘monthly’, and ‘yearly’. |
refund | Refunds the previously given contribution. This command can only create a refund within 24 hours of giving the gift. If the previously given contribution started a recurring gift, the recurrence will also be canceled. |
update | Allows a donor to update their payment method or recurring gift. You will receive a response with a link where you can make these changes. Please note: You can only update recurring gifts via text when the recurring gift was established via text giving. |
unlink | Unlinks a your phone from the text-to-give system. If you want to set-up two recurring gifts from two different methods, using “unlink” will allow the donor to set-up a secondary recurring gift from an additional method. |
commands | Provides the user with a list of the available generic text commands (will not include the unique specific keywords you have set up for your church) |
HCC Financial Update
The Past 12 Weeks at a glance
by David Burchfield
Tim Farrow, of Tim’s Church Cleaning has been cleaning our building for the past 5 years, but retired as of March 4th. Thank you Tim! In order to be good stewards of how we spend our money, we are bidding out the cleaning contract, selecting from participating vendors. Please be in prayer for this process.
Please keep this in mind when giving we have the following options to give, so please use whatever works best for you:
1) Giving easily using Breeze
a. online at
b. by text for example text “$50” to 859-459-0316 to give $50
2) Direct ACH (automatically withdraw from your bank)
3) Physical check placed in giving boxes or mailed to Harmony
4) Cash placed in giving boxes
5) Facebook “Donate” button on Harmony’s Facebook page.
We want to continue to encourage you to give Breeze a try for giving donations as it is super simple to give for example $100, just text $100 to 859-459-0316 or click on “give” online If you haven’t tried it, please pray and ask God what he would have you give.
Be sure to check out the TV at the Generosity station in the lobby to see the latest information.
If you have any questions about giving options or the financial processes of the church, don’t hesitate to reach out to me and I will be glad to answer. Thank you again for your generosity! David Burchfield.
Total baptisms year to date is 2, praise the Lord. the 11 baptisms we had last year in 2021.
Let’s shoot to exceed
For the last 12 weeks our giving is about 81.7% of plan which is decreased giving compared to February. We are continuing to monitor finances and will limit our spend of planned ministry expenses where we can.
Our new Breeze system is working well for us and the number of people giving online has been growing, so we hope it is working well for you, our generous donors.
We have been working with potential leases interested in the “Undeveloped Space”. Hopefully we will sign a contract soon. We will keep you updated on our progress.
-David Burchfield.
The Past 12 Weeks At a Glance
- Avg weekly giving is $9,331 which is slightly down from February Report of $9,475.
- This is 92.9% of critical need, which is down slightly from February Report of 94.0%.
- It is 81.7% of full ministry need, which is down slightly from February Report of 82.6%.
- Avg weekly live attendance is 284 which is about same as Feb report, but attendance has recently been growing as covid trends are down and weather is getting warmer.
*This amount DOES NOT reflect income from facility rentals. It is offering only.
**The percentages DO include facility rental income.
Ministry Corner:
by Amber McKenzie
Harmony Christian Church loves outreach and local missions! Our local outreach program is 40324 Ministries and our goal is to show the love of Jesus, no strings attached. Our goal with Outreach is to provide everyone at HCC a simple way to reach the lives of other for Christ. We sprinkle our neighbors with donuts, “Egg” yards at Easter, or even offer free family events to help provide you with the opportunity of inviting family and friends to HCC in a low risk way. Simply put, we love Georgetown and want to touch as many lives as possible!
Our Outreach ministry has some amazing events coming up this spring! We’ll be hosting our annual “Egged” event, Date Night Live is coming back with a nationally known comedian, and the Cookout will be back soon! We’d love to offer you the opportunity to serve on this team; email to say yes to the funniest ministry at HCC. You won’t regret it !
Get it on your calendar!
The Hangout

After 2nd Service
The First Sunday of Every Month
Come, buy your food, and hangout
@ Country Boy
Upcoming Events
Isaiah 41:10
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Our Latest Podcasts

Taming Anger: Spiritual Formation and the Fuse Within
Mar 11, 2025 •
The sermon explores the nature of anger, and how it manifests in individuals and offers practical and spiritual practices for transforming one’s response to anger. The central argument is that changing our response to anger requires a fundamental shift in our internal spiritual formation, not just superficial behavioral changes. Key…
Week 2 - Breaking Rage
Mar 11, 2025 • 39:08
Are we black cat fuses, ready to explode, or green fuses, slow to burn? What’s shaping our hearts? Let’s break rage together—tune in! EASY TO GIVE at Harmony, text any amount to (859) 459-0316 to get started (or give online @ ). Get the fill in the blank bulletins…
Fight: Handling Conflict in a Healthy Way
Mar 3, 2025 •
Main Themes: Key Ideas and Facts: Actionable Insights:
Week 1 - Anger - When it's Good, When it's Bad
Mar 3, 2025 • 35:13
What if our anger isn’t the problem, but how we use it is? Are we letting it lead us to sin, or using it to fight for others? Tune in this Sunday to find out! EASY TO GIVE at Harmony, text any amount to (859) 459-0316 to get started (or…
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