June 2022
In-the-Know Monthly Newsletter
Last Month Recap
Wins for The Kingdom!
We had 2 baptisms this month
We have had 6 volunteers join the HarmonyKids ministry! That is all but ONE spot filled!
The security team applied for a DHS security grant worth up to $150,000
- We are seeing a lot of first-time guests each week
- Our Care Ministry team has been ministering to so many through prayer, calls, and visitations
Prayer Requests
Calling all Prayer Warriors
- Pray that God will raise up people to serve in our ministry to kids and REACH
- Pray for opportunities for our church to make a difference in people’s lives in Georgetown
- Pray for those affected by grief and loss
- Pray for our church as we continue to seek financial stability in order to reach more people with the Gospel
- Pray for our Student Ministry (Teens) and those who lead them, these students face such huge pressures and issues and need to deeply know the love of God
Have a prayer request? Join our Online Facebook Community to post it or contact our care ministry via email
Ephesians 1:18-19
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength
of every dollar given at Harmony goes straight to Missions, the rest goes to creating stories of Kingdom Impact in the lives of those you touch!
How do you do?
– by robby frisone
Jesus was a man of action. He didn’t just teach; He also did the things He was teaching. As Christians, Jesus calls all of us to not only be listeners but to be doers. This isn’t even debatable. Throughout the teachings of the New Testament Jesus constantly challenges His followers to not simply hear the words He says, but to put His teachings into practice. This idea is most clearly communicated by James through the entirety of James 2. Summed up in one sentence it’s “faith without works is dead.” I would say that most Christians know this and understand the concept of being a doer of the word and not simply a hearer, but our enemy also knows this as well. Now Satan is a lot of things, but stupid is not one of them. It would be foolish to underestimate our greatest adversary. Scripture often tells us that he is cunning. One of the ways he fools us is to not try and have us misinterpret scripture but to fool us into thinking we’re living out scripture when we really are not. In this way, many Christians think they are doers of the word, but in reality, they are not. Satan has tricked them into confusing in action for action and here’s how it happens.
Hearing the word is the way most new believers are tricked into believing is doing but is not. Often times we confuse scriptural study, listening to sermons, and generally bettering ourselves as “doing.” This is a tricky one because we often can see the results. We can feel our spiritual lives get stronger. We can feel ourselves grow closer to God. Since we feel a sense of progress we confuse spiritual discipline with doing spiritual works. The reality is that it’s not. Don’t get it twisted; spiritual discipline is extremely important for the life of every believer, but we must realize that it is a means to an end. Take a look at 1 Corinthians 9:24-27. Paul is talking about self-discipline using the analogy of running a race. He speaks about how an athlete may train for a long time so they are in shape and ready to compete. What good is an athlete who works hard training and then doesn’t compete? Paul says that he doesn’t run aimlessly or throw punches like he is boxing the air. He trains so that he may do something that matters to The Kingdom of God. He trains so that he can be a doer. What good is learning all you can about scripture and growing closer to God if you don’t end up using what you have learned to actually serve others? Serving yourself through spiritual discipline is not being a doer, it’s not actual service. The ironic thing is that if you want to become closer to God and learn more about Him, serving is one of the best ways to do that. Serving is an awesome way to learn spiritual discipline.
While confusing spiritual discipline for actual action is how many new believers are fooled, it usually doesn’t fool mature Christians. That isn’t to say that they are impervious. The thing mature Christians are tricked into believing is “doing” but isn’t is praying. Now I don’t want anyone to get what I’m going to say in this paragraph wrong. I absolutely believe in the power of prayer. I believe we should pray unceasingly. I believe prayer is one of our greatest weapons. I think prayer can do amazing things. I know all these things about prayer are true, but I also know that prayer is only half of it. The other half is action and often times we mistake prayer for action. Think of it this way. Let’s say you’re ill, so you go to the doctor. After having an examination the doctor tells you that you have a sinus infection. You’ve had a sinus infection before, so you know it’s nothing that some antibiotics won’t clear up. The doctor tells you he knows just what you need. You hold out your hand expecting to receive a prescription for some antibiotics, but to your surprise, the doctor grabs your hand and prays with you. He prays that you would be healed of your sinus infection. Then he thanks you for seeing him and lets you know that you may leave now.
You probably wouldn’t be too thrilled in the doctor’s treatment, but you believe in the power of prayer right? This is the same attitude many Christians feel about prayer and it stems from an incomplete understanding of what prayer is. Should we pray for those who are in need? Absolutely we should. I believe in the power of prayer, but I also believe in the power that God has placed inside of me to do the work of His Kingdom. Prayer and service go hand in hand. If you’re serving without praying or praying without serving then you’re only “doing” halfway. Look at the example Jesus sets for us in Matthew 26:36-46. Jesus prays desperately in the garden of Gethsemane, but He doesn’t just pray there. Eventually, Jesus accepts God’s will, leaves the garden, and dies on a cross for all. There is a time for prayer, but there is also a time for action. Eventually, we all must leave the garden and be doers of the word. Prayer is also a two-way street. Many mature Christians have a very deep prayer life where they lift up their praise and problems to God so that He might provide for them, but when God wants to use us to provide for others, prayer suddenly loses power. My Old Testament professor in college explained prayer this way. Prayer is not our will being done in Heaven, but Heaven’s will being done in us. If your prayer life is all about what God can do for you but has no hint of what you can do for God, then you’re doing it wrong. Look at Jesus in Gethsemane. He pleads with God to take this cup from Him, but He resolves and says that it should not be His will done but God’s.
Being a doer of the word is all about being a servant, and we can’t be a servant to only ourselves and we can’t be a servant only by praying. Serving is an action. It’s more than just prayer. It’s about serving others. This entire concept is laid out in Matthew 25:31-46. There are two groups of people before God, sheep, and goats. He tells the sheep that they may enter the kingdom because they clothed him when he was naked, fed him when he was hungry, etc. They ask when they did this and God replies that whenever they did it for someone else they did it for Him. He then tells the goats that they cannot enter the kingdom because they didn’t clothe Him, feed Him, etc, because they did not do that for others. There are two things that must be realized about this verse. First, the goats considered themselves close to God. They considered themselves believers. We know this because they call God Lord. These goats are Christians, yet God denies them entry to His kingdom. Secondly, the sheep enter the kingdom not because they believed, studied scripture, or heard sermons. They enter the kingdom because they served others. God doesn’t say I was hungry and you prayed for me, I was thirsty and you told me about a sermon you heard. No, God says I was in need and you met my need by serving me. Servant and Christian are synonymous. You cannot be one without the other. If the only one you serve is yourself, of if the extent of your service is prayer then you might want to reevaluate whether you’re a sheep or a goat. Just because you go “bah” doesn’t make you a sheep. You have to walk the walk behind your talk.
Serving Jesus,
Robby Frisone
Robby Frisone
A Note from the Elders:
Over the past few years, our eldership has been prayerfully refining our system for adding additional elders to our leadership board. We have developed a 7 step process that is outlined below that is consistent with our charter/bylaws (the full process along with downloads can be found online at https://www.harmonychurch.cc/eldership-selection-documents/):
7 Step Process to Eldership at Harmony Christian Church
1. LEAD: LEAD is a 10-week leadership course specifically targeted to teach servant leadership to men. (interested in LEAD or know someone who should be considered? Please email office@harmonychurch.cc to let us know of your interest.)
2. LEAD Practicum: A 2-year commitment from men who graduate out of the LEAD class to practice servant leadership in the church.
3. Invitation into Elder Candidacy Process: Potential leaders from LEAD Practicum are reviewed, considered and invited into the candidacy process by the current eldership.
4. Eldership Candidate Questionnaire: An extensive questionnaire is filled out by the applicant covering theology, methodology, family and spiritual history, and more. (see above URL to find a download link for the questionnaire)
5. Candidate and Spouse Interview: The eldership brings the couple in for an interview and allows them a chance to ask any questions they might have.
6. Congregational Confirmation: The congregation is asked to confirm the elders’ selection – if confirmation is not possible, they are asked to provide a reason in written/signed form so the elders can follow up.
7. Confirmation/Ordination of newly selected elders: The current eldership will ordain the new elder at a special service on a particular Sunday morning.
On Sunday, June 26, 2022, we will have a congregational confirmation of the newest selected elders, to join our current eldership. The newly selected elders to be confirmed are Travis Wilson & Trent Castleman. The current eldership has carefully, prayerfully, and thoughtfully selected these men as new additions. This confirmation is NOT a vote, rather, it is a means used by the eldership to “not leave any leaf unturned” in their investigation of their ability to participate in the role of leadership in our church. We would ask that you pray for the candidates and the Eldership, that you study the qualifications of elders as outlined in scripture (Titus 1:5-9, 1 Tim. 3:1-7, 1 Peter 5:1-4), and that you plan to join us for the confirmation date. Directly after church that Sunday, each member of Harmony Christian Church, anyone who has placed membership (visit member.harmonychurch.cc to become a member) and is 16 years or older, will be given a confirmation sheet. You will have the option to either confirm the nominations or share your concerns about the nominations. If you have concerns, we will ask those concerns be put in written form and signed with a means of contact in order that the eldership can further investigate.
After the confirmation process, the eldership will review the results – if there is a further investigation to be done, they will do so, otherwise, the candidates will be confirmed as elders and ordained into eldership.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to the current eldership:
Ershal Harrison (3 yr term ending) Matt McKenzie
Jack Givens (3 yr term ending) Rich Reel
Josh Adkins (3 yr term ending) Rick Wilson
Serving Christ and His Church,
The Eldership of Harmony Christian Church
SEE HOW IT WORKS: Text $1 to (859) 459-0316, afterward text “refund” (no quotes) to get a refund.
In the future simply save the Text2Give number on your phone and text any amount (add ‘weekly’, ‘biweekly’, ‘monthly’, or ‘yearly’ for a recurring gift).
Command | Description |
$50 | Donates $50 to to Harmony. You can type any amount; the dollar sign is optional (e.g. $50 and 50 both work). |
give $50 | Same as above. |
give | You will receive a response asking “how much you’d like to give”. |
$50 missions | Donates $50 to the missions fund. You can also give to the building fund this way (example: $50 building) |
$50 weekly | Sets up a recurring gift of $50 each week. Frequency options are ‘weekly’, ‘biweekly’, ‘monthly’, and ‘yearly’. |
$50 missions weekly | Sets up a recurring gift of $50 each week to the missions fund. Frequency options are ‘weekly’, ‘biweekly’, ‘monthly’, and ‘yearly’. |
refund | Refunds the previously given contribution. This command can only create a refund within 24 hours of giving the gift. If the previously given contribution started a recurring gift, the recurrence will also be canceled. |
update | Allows a donor to update their payment method or recurring gift. You will receive a response with a link where you can make these changes. Please note: You can only update recurring gifts via text when the recurring gift was established via text giving. |
unlink | Unlinks a your phone from the text-to-give system. If you want to set-up two recurring gifts from two different methods, using “unlink” will allow the donor to set-up a secondary recurring gift from an additional method. |
commands | Provides the user with a list of the available generic text commands (will not include the unique specific keywords you have set up for your church) |
HCC Financial Update
The Past 12 Weeks at a glance
by David Burchfield
We recently began taking time to discuss in each service how being generous impacts lives and helps Advance the Kingdom. Since beginning this our giving is continuing to trend up. Thank you!
We are continuing to work on leasing the “Undeveloped Space”. We have a verbal agreement and are now working out details to sign a lease in the near future. We will keep you updated on our progress.
We have transitioned the part-time finance help over to a church bookkeeping service to provide better and more timely reporting. I am excited as we continue to get this fully
operational over the coming month.
Please keep this in mind when giving we have the following options to give, so please use whatever works best for you:
1) Giving easily using Breeze
a. online at my.harmonychurch.cc/give
b. by text for example text “$50” to 859-459-0316 to give $50
2) Direct ACH (automatically withdraw from your bank)
3) Physical check placed in giving boxes or mailed to Harmony
4) Cash placed in giving boxes
5) Facebook “Donate” button on Harmony’s Facebook page.
We want to continue to encourage you to give Breeze a try for giving donations as it is super simple to give for example $100, just text $100 to 859-459-0316 or click on “give” online If you haven’t tried it, please pray and ask God what he would have you give.
Be sure to check out the TV at the Generosity station in the lobby to see the latest information.
If you have any questions about giving options or the financial processes of the church, don’t hesitate to reach out to me and I will be glad to answer. Thank you again for your generosity!
-David Burchfield.
The Past 12 Weeks At a Glance
- Avg. weekly giving is $10,089 which is up from the May Report of $9,768.
- This is 98.7% of critical need, which is up from the May Report of 96.2%.
- It is 86.8% of full ministry need, which is up from the May Report of 84.6%.
- Avg. weekly live attendance is 380 which is up significantly over the last three months, praise the Lord for the growth! It is important to note that this includes Easter with an attendance of 680.
- Total baptisms year-to-date is 21, praise the Lord! We’ve already exceeded the 11 baptisms in 2021. Let’s continue to win people to Jesus!
*This amount DOES NOT reflect income from facility rentals. It is offering only.
**The percentages DO include facility rental income.
Ministry Corner:
Worship & Production
by Anthony Bowman
As I have said before, I have a passion for connecting people with each other and with God through worship. We have had some major wins in the last few months such as:
-Ushering in consistent and spirit-filled worship
-Redesigning the stage
-Updating some of the stage lighting
-Fixing some long-standing sound issues
-Elevating the quality of our live stream audio
We are just getting started and we want your help!
We are looking for genuine and skilled volunteers, whether that be on the platform or in the tech booth, who fit our culture and values. We believe that worship team members should exemplify what it means to worship in spirit and truth. They should also lead the congregation by genuinely and authentically engaging in worship both on and off the platform!
If this applies to you here are some next steps!
-If you are interested in joining the worship band, please send a 90-second video of you playing your instrument(s) or singing a worship song to anthony.bowman@harmonychurch.cc
-If you are interested in joining the Tech side of our ministry (running cameras, running the soundboard, running presentation slides, programming/running stage lighting software) please reach out to me also at anthony.bowman@harmonychurch.cc and we will get you trained and ready!
I love this church and can’t wait to see what God can do through you!
Members Make a Difference @ Harmony
At Harmony, we take membership seriously because our members make a serious difference!
We also think you should be able to become a member on your own time. That's why we created an innovative way to learn about membership and take your next step into becoming a central part of what makes our church amazing! Simply listen to a 9-episode podcast we produced and complete 6 online pledges - let us know you've completed the process and you will have become a member! Click below to visit the membership track podcast and get started today!
Upcoming Events
Isaiah 41:10
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Our Latest Podcasts

Love & Respect - Part 1
Feb 18, 2025 •
Main Themes: Key Ideas and Facts: Quotes: Overall Message: The sermon is a call to action, particularly for men, to examine their roles in marriage and relationships. It challenges them to move beyond superficial romantic ideals and embrace a deeper, more sacrificial love that prioritizes their spouse’s needs. The message…
Week 3 - Love & Respect - Part 1
Feb 18, 2025 • 37:25
Are we loving our wives like Christ loves the church—unselfish, undivided, unstoppable? What kind of man are we choosing to be? Tune in to be challenged and learn how to grow in your relationship with your spouse! EASY TO GIVE at Harmony, text any amount to (859) 459-0316 to get…
Week 2 - Normalizing Holiness
Feb 11, 2025 • 39:32
What if the key to a thriving marriage isn’t fixing our spouse—but becoming whole ourselves? Tune in Sunday as we unpack what holiness really means and how it might affect you in powerful ways! EASY TO GIVE at Harmony, text any amount to (859) 459-0316 to get started (or give…
Normalizing Holiness
Feb 11, 2025 •
Main Theme: The sermon challenges the unrealistic and incomplete portrayal of relationships presented in romantic comedies and novels, and proposes that true fulfillment in relationships comes from striving for personal “holiness,” which the speaker equates with “wholeness.” This wholeness is achieved not through self-effort or focusing on fixing a spouse,…
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