February 2022
In-the-Know Monthly Newsletter
Last Month Recap
Wins for The Kingdom!
- Anthony Bowman & his wife Grace joined our Harmony team, Anthony is our new worship pastor!
- Our Connection Group Spin-Off Experience has been a huge success. Over 40 people have gathered to grow together in their faith and friendships.
- Our student ministry has seen some fantastic growth lately (over 30 teens last week)
Prayer Requests
Calling all Prayer Warriors
- Praise God for answering our prayers and bringing us our new worship pastor. Pray for Anthony and his family.
- Pray for those who have experienced loss recently.
- Pray for our new groups starting from the Spin-Off Experience.
- Continue to pray for God to provide for our church so we can see more people come to know Jesus.
Have a prayer request? Join our Online Facebook Community to post it or contact our care ministry via email
Ephesians 1:18-19
I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength
of every dollar given at Harmony goes straight to Missions, the rest goes to creating stories of Kingdom Impact in the lives of those you touch!
Why Baptsim
– by Kent Wagner
Advancing the Kingdom by Living for God and Loving People
Recently I’ve had several people ask me about baptism and if they need to be baptized. This is a great question, and not something you want to enter into lightly. So, what do I share with people who are interested in baptism? Most of the time I encourage them to read what the scripture says about baptism and make up their own minds about what they should do in their pursuit of Jesus. I tell them this because Baptism is such a personal decision, a person needs to have decided in their heart that they are ready to follow Jesus in a forever kind of way. Maybe you’re thinking, “but Kent, I don’t even know where I would start in the bible to find out more about baptism.”
That’s why I decided to put together this list of scriptures about baptism that you can read through and consider as you think about your next steps (or share with someone you know about their next steps) with Jesus. Let’s get started:
- First of all, in Matthew 28:18-19 Jesus commanded that His followers go out and make disciples and to baptize those new disciples (this word simply means being an apprentice to Jesus) in His name, His Father’s name, and the name of the Holy Spirit. Baptizing in the name of the trinity is essentially saying that you belong to and identify with the God of the bible.
- In Acts 2:37-41 Peter has just finished preaching his first recorded sermon ever and forgot to give people a way to apply what he preached. The people are cut to the heart and ask what you should do in response to his message – Peter’s answer: “repent and be baptized for the forgiveness of sins and the gift of the holy spirit.” Peter is as clear as he could possibly be, that in his mind, repenting (turning away from your old life) and being baptized is the means by which you access God’s forgiveness of your sin and the gift of the Holy Spirit (this is God’s Spirit that indwells within Christians – it is God with us)
- In Romans 6:3-11 – Paul says baptism is an initiation into Jesus’ death and His resurrection. He makes the analogy that through baptism we are burying our old life in the waters we are baptized within and allowing the new life through resurrection to come into us as we come up out of the water.
- In 1 Peter 3:18-22 Peter compares baptism with the flood of Noah. He says that just as the ark saved Noah and his family from the flood so, “baptism now saves you.” Peter makes it clear that it is not the cleaning of the physical body, but the washing of the conscience that occurs through the power of the resurrection of Jesus.
- When it comes to salvation and responding to the good news of Jesus in your life, the scripture also talks about confessing with your mouth that Jesus is the Christ (meaning King or messiah – the chosen one of God) and believing in your heart that God raised Him from the dead (Romans 10:9). Confessing and believing are a part of any true follower of Jesus’ path to salvation.
- When the Holy Spirit first came on non-Jewish people to show Peter and the other apostles (up until this time only Jewish people were followers of Jesus) that God was bringing salvation to all people, the first thing they did was to baptize them, Acts 10:47-48.
- When the Ethiopian Eunuch heard Philip unpack passages from Isaiah the Eunuch looks out and sees water and asks what should keep him from being baptized, and they did it right then and there (Acts 8:36-38). In the early church decision and baptism were the same thing, they didn’t separate faith and response as we do in our modern-day.
- When Paul turns to Jesus he is baptized – Acts 9:18.
- Acts 19:1-7, a group of disciples who had been baptized into John the Baptists’ baptism, but had not been baptized in the name of Jesus (meaning they had not identified themselves with Him, His death and resurrection). Paul finds out and baptizes them into Jesus and the gift of the Holy Spirit comes on them (before their baptism they had not received the gift).
“So, is a person saved even if they’ve never been baptized?” That’s a great question! The reality is, what saves you from your sin is the power of Jesus and His grace – but part of the means of connecting with the power is the act of Baptism. It is an act of faith to trust that God is working in a mysterious way to bring about your connection with Him through this ritual of water baptism.
Baptism is as much an act of faith and belief as someone who confesses their faith in Jesus is. Baptism is simply the mode through which God has chosen to intersect with His disciples to give us a physical representation of the spiritual work being done in, through, and to us.
It is, your death brought to life through Jesus!
“I’m waiting till I can get some things in order in my life before making that decision, I just don’t feel like I’m good enough” It’s understandable to feel this way, but it’s the wrong way of looking at it. You will never be able to get your life in “order” enough to deserve or be worthy of baptism (following Jesus). The question you need to wrestle with is, do you believe Jesus and want to follow Him. He came to bring His Kingdom from heaven into your life now (Matthew 4:17). He didn’t wait till you had it all together, actually, He came knowing the worst part of you and still wanting you. The question of being ready to get baptized or not is the question of are you ready to follow Him. He’s the one whose business it is to get rid of sin, to wash you and make you clean. Your job is just to follow Him. This why when we baptize someone we only ask a few questions. “Do you repent of your sin?” (want to turn around), “Do you believe that Jesus is the Christ (king), the son of the Living God?” “Do you want to make Him your Lord and Savior, the boss of your life?”
“Do I have to get baptized in front of a bunch of people, I’m kind of shy.” You can get baptized whenever and where ever you want. We have found that getting baptized with other believers around is a really powerful event for the person getting baptized because it’s an encouragement to have so many other witnesses saying the same things, they believe in Jesus! But the reality is, this is a commitment between you and God, so if you’d rather it be by yourself or with a small group of family and friends, let’s get it done!
“I was baptized as a baby, do I still need to get baptized as an adult?” While what your parents did with you was a wonderful celebration of a family wanting to raise their child to know Christ, the reality is, baptism of an infant is not a decision they have made on their own. In scripture, the only people who were baptized were people who had the mind and thoughtfulness to make a decision that is a life commitment – typically this is an adult or older child. I guess the question you will need to answer for yourself is if you felt like your baptism meant for you what you see in the above scriptures?
Do you still have more questions, or maybe you are ready to take your next step in baptism? Why not get in contact with me and let’s get together to talk! I’d love that.
Serving Jesus,
Kent A Wagner
Kent A. Wagner
Harmony Has Space to Lease
You’ve likely never seen just how big Harmony really is! Did you know we have up to 12,000 square feet of undeveloped area as well as 10,000 square feet of Dock space available for lease?
If you know of a business looking for space, do us a favor and pass Harmony along. Have them contact David for more info (502) 863-9830.
By getting this space leased, we can unleash more dollars for ministry to Advance the Kingdom!
SEE HOW IT WORKS: Text $1 to (859) 459-0316, afterward text “refund” (no quotes) to get a refund.
In the future simply save the Text2Give number on your phone and text any amount (add ‘weekly’, ‘biweekly’, ‘monthly’, or ‘yearly’ for a recurring gift).
Command | Description |
$50 | Donates $50 to to Harmony. You can type any amount; the dollar sign is optional (e.g. $50 and 50 both work). |
give $50 | Same as above. |
give | You will receive a response asking “how much you’d like to give”. |
$50 missions | Donates $50 to the missions fund. You can also give to the building fund this way (example: $50 building) |
$50 weekly | Sets up a recurring gift of $50 each week. Frequency options are ‘weekly’, ‘biweekly’, ‘monthly’, and ‘yearly’. |
$50 missions weekly | Sets up a recurring gift of $50 each week to the missions fund. Frequency options are ‘weekly’, ‘biweekly’, ‘monthly’, and ‘yearly’. |
refund | Refunds the previously given contribution. This command can only create a refund within 24 hours of giving the gift. If the previously given contribution started a recurring gift, the recurrence will also be canceled. |
update | Allows a donor to update their payment method or recurring gift. You will receive a response with a link where you can make these changes. Please note: You can only update recurring gifts via text when the recurring gift was established via text giving. |
unlink | Unlinks a your phone from the text-to-give system. If you want to set-up two recurring gifts from two different methods, using “unlink” will allow the donor to set-up a secondary recurring gift from an additional method. |
commands | Provides the user with a list of the available generic text commands (will not include the unique specific keywords you have set up for your church) |
HCC Financial Update
The Past 12 Weeks at a glance
by David Burchfield
For the last 12 weeks our giving is about 82.6% of plan which is decreased giving compared to January. We are continuing to monitor finances and will limit our spend of planned ministry expenses where we can.
Of course January is a busy month for the Finance team. W2’s for employees, 1099s for contractor workers and finally Annual Contribution statements for you, our generous donors. This year had an extra challenge with me being out with Covid and tracking all giving in our new database Breeze. The Breeze support team has been awesome to work with and address anything that didn’t load correctly. We will be handing out the Annual Contribution Statements at the Connection Corner, Sunday Feb 6th and Sunday Feb 13th. We will hold any not picked up and will be mailing for those contributors from out of state or that are home bound. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to send an email to finance@harmonychurch.cc or text of call me at 859-321-1247.
Please keep this in mind when giving we have the following options to give, so please use whatever works best for you:
- Giving easily using Breeze
->online at my.harmonychurch.cc/give
->or by text for example text “$50” to 859-459-0316 to give $50 - Direct ACH (automatically withdraw from your bank)
- Physical check placed in giving boxes or mailed to Harmony
- Cash placed in giving boxes
- Facebook “Donate” button on Harmony’s Facebook page.
We want to continue to encourage you to give Breeze a try for giving donations as it is super simple to give for example $100, just text $100 to 859-459-0316 or click on “give” online If you haven’t tried it, please pray and ask God what he would have you give.
Be sure to check out the TV at the Generosity station in the lobby to see the latest information.
If you have any questions about giving options or the financial processes of the church, don’t hesitate to reach out to me and I will be glad to answer. Thank you again for your generosity!
-David Burchfield.
The Past 12 Weeks At a Glance
- Avg. weekly giving is $9,475 which is up from the January Report of $9,559.
- This is 94.0% of critical needs, which is up from the January Report of 94.6%.
- It is 82.6% of full ministry need, which is up from the January Report of 83.2%.
- Avg. weekly live attendance is 288 which is down from 299 from the January Report.
- Total baptisms year to date is 0,Let’s shoot to exceed the 11 baptisms we had last year in 2021.
*This amount DOES NOT reflect income from facility rentals. It is offering only.
**The percentages DO include facility rental income.
Meet Anthony: Worship Pastor
Hi there. My name is Anthony Bowman and I’m the new Worship Pastor for Harmony Christian Church!
I have a passion for connecting with God and with people; and for connecting people to each other and to God through worship and through doing life together.
I have an amazing wife, Grace, and 3 beautiful children, Iraela, Ember, and Cyrus. They are a huge part of why I do what I do and are a great supporter of my ministry!
I have been leading worship in some capacity for the last 15 years both bi-vocationally, and full time and I believe my family and I have finally found the place that we belong here at Harmony Christian Church!
Ministry Corner:
Security Team
by Perry Miller
Nehemiah 4:9
“But we prayed to our God and posted a guard day and night to meet this threat.”
Sadly, in this day and time it is needed.
The security ministry is made up of a cross-reference of our church. We have members who have military, law enforcement, EMS, fire department, security, and medical backgrounds. Our job is to ensure to the best of our ability that everyone who comes to Harmony has a safe and comfortable time and place to worship our Lord and Savior!
To give some brief history about our team, it was started in 2015 and we had 4 members to start with. Since that time, we have grown immensely. I will not say the exact number or names because we want to remain behind the scene doing what we do. I will not disclose all that we do but during services, we are everywhere. We monitor all areas the best we can whether by physically or by electronic means. We also take the count every service to keep a record of the attendance for the staff.
On the nights REACH meets, someone is there to monitor the safety of our youth and to make sure no one who is not supposed to be on the property is there. We also have a subgroup we call the night walkers. That team checks the church and property every night, everyday no matter if it’s a holiday, to make sure the church is secure, everything is off and to monitor the parking lot for any suspicious activity that law enforcement may need to be alerted of. We have a good working relationship with all local law enforcement and that is an excellent thing to have.
At times, Providence Christian Academy at Harmony will request our team for events or concerns. We strive to work closely with them to maintain a safe and secure environment for the students and staff.
When we have special events, we have members there to monitor for any unsafe activities that may harm our members. The team also is at the church when we have weddings, funerals, or anything of that nature in case anything might happen.
Members have attended conferences and training from many locales, all pertaining to church security and better ways to do it.
We also want to be aware of anything any church member may have a concern about. This is kept strictly confidential; all members have signed agreements to this affect. If at any time, you may be having an issue we need to be aware of, we encourage you to please let us know so we can make sure to the best of our abilities, nothing may happen here. Your safety and your families are a priority, especially our children.
Personally, I am a member of a national organization called the Faith Based Security Network with members from all faiths across the United States. We share information and alerts so we all know anything to be aware of. I also receive information from the Department of Homeland Security and FEMA. The team participates in webinars given by these agencies for faith-based organizations.
Currently we are looking for anyone who knows how or knows of someone, who knows how to write federal grants. This would allow us to have access to monies from DHS/FEMA to make security improvements to our church. We all would benefit from them.
If you might be interested in the security ministry, please email security@harmonychurch.cc or stop by the security office before, during or after services and we would be glad to speak with you.
God bless you all!
Perry Miller
Security leader for Harmony Christian Church
25 years as a volunteer fire fighter, EMT, and state fire instructor.
Background in facility security as well as asset protection
Knowledge from many years in team leadership
AAS from BCTC in human services and attending Indiana Wesleyan University for a BA in addictions counseling
Get it on your calendar!
The Hangout

After 2nd Service
The First Sunday of Every Month
Come, buy your food, and hangout
@ Country Boy
February Missions Information
to reach the world…
We have been contacting our supported missions to let them know of our support going forward from January 2022. Due to covid quarantine, January weather, we will now be updating our missions wall in the lobby with the missions we are now supporting by end of February. Please stop by for more information.
We ask that you keep all of our supported missions in prayer as well as the missions team. In order to help you get to know our supported missions we are sharing two of new local mission ministries that we are beginning monthly support as of January, 2022. Both of these ministries are located in Lexington, Ky.
- Natalie’s Sisters. Their mission is to help women caught in lifestyle of “dance clubs” or “walking the streets” and show these ladies/girls that are often ignored, the love of Jesus. As you may remember we provided a one-time special donation last summer of $2,000 to Natalie’s Sister.
- Hope is Here. HOPE is Here began in December 2017 from a holy discontent that was growing in the heart of founder Greg Horn. Having suffered his own suicidal thoughts in 2001 after a series of tragic events and losing three friends to suicide, Greg felt strongly that he was being called to make a difference. HOPE is Here Ministries was birthed from a desire to shed light on the taboo subject of suicide and to offer hope and encouragement to people who are struggling with dark times. It has broadened its scope to include community involvement, community assistance, counseling and mentoring. As you know Greg has spoken at Harmony multiple times as interim prior to hiring Kent.
Watch out for some special stories of impact coming this July! We are still working out the details, but it should be very informative and help us all get to understand the stories of impact that happen, when we generously give to missions both locally and around the world.
We hope these updates are helping you understand how your giving creates stories of impact and helps us to meet our church mission of “Advancing the Kingdom, by Living for God and Loving People” through your generous donations so we can respond in a time of need. Again, Thank you!
Ershal Harrison Chair / David Burchfield Co-Leader
Upcoming Events
Isaiah 41:10
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
Our Latest Podcasts

Taming Anger: Spiritual Formation and the Fuse Within
Mar 11, 2025 •
The sermon explores the nature of anger, and how it manifests in individuals and offers practical and spiritual practices for transforming one’s response to anger. The central argument is that changing our response to anger requires a fundamental shift in our internal spiritual formation, not just superficial behavioral changes. Key…
Week 2 - Breaking Rage
Mar 11, 2025 • 39:08
Are we black cat fuses, ready to explode, or green fuses, slow to burn? What’s shaping our hearts? Let’s break rage together—tune in! EASY TO GIVE at Harmony, text any amount to (859) 459-0316 to get started (or give online @ my.harmonychurch.cc/give ). Get the fill in the blank bulletins…
Fight: Handling Conflict in a Healthy Way
Mar 3, 2025 •
Main Themes: Key Ideas and Facts: Actionable Insights:
Week 1 - Anger - When it's Good, When it's Bad
Mar 3, 2025 • 35:13
What if our anger isn’t the problem, but how we use it is? Are we letting it lead us to sin, or using it to fight for others? Tune in this Sunday to find out! EASY TO GIVE at Harmony, text any amount to (859) 459-0316 to get started (or…
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