Last Month Recap

Wins for The Kingdom!

  • We had 1 Baptism
  • We had over 30 people show up  for “The Hangout
  • Our church was able to donate bags full of coats for those in need through the Kentucky Refugee Ministries
  • Our kids ministry and student ministry have been busting at the seams

Prayer Requests

Calling all Prayer Warriors

  • Please continue to pray for our Worship Pastor search team.  We continue to interview candidates and move them through the process.
  • Pray for those who are new to Harmony that they can get connected and grow in their faith.
  • Pray for a Harvest of Souls in our community.  That God would bring revival to our area.

 Have a prayer request?  Join our Online Facebook Community to post it or contact our care ministry via email

Ephesians 1:18-19

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, 19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength


of every dollar given at Harmony goes straight to Missions, the rest goes to creating stories of Kingdom Impact in the lives of those you touch!

Because of Your heart for the Kingdom…

Harmony is able to minister weekly to over 80 kids between birth and High School.  YOU are making an eternal impact through your investment in the ministry of Harmony.

850 4042

Christmas Eve Eve

photo 2021 11 17 14.17.06

Formed and Finished
– by Kent Wagner

Advancing the Kingdom by Living for God and Loving People

When Pastors meet other Pastors, there is a weird exchange that goes on.  They inevitably end up talking about “how their church is doing” and what they are doing to “grow” their church.  It’s not a bad thing, and I’m certainly interested in seeing the local church continue to grow and expand.  But I have to tell you, I’m not like other Pastors – my goal is not to grow a church.  My goal is to grow disciples of Jesus.  What I long for is not a packed house necessarily, but packed hearts that are sold out to the Kingdom and mission of Jesus.  I think, if you listen closely to my sermons, you can backward engineer this.  My sermons are almost always about trying to form you spiritually into a deeply devoted follower of Jesus, they are not about how to be successful in life, how to interpret the bible, or teaching truth for truth’s sake.  Each of those things will show up in my sermons – but my primary goal is to connect your life with Jesus.  For you to see how the more you are formed in the likeness of Jesus, the more you will truly discover what real life is.

Did you ever think of yourself as formed or unformed?  What it means is that all of us have a level of “finish” in our life – areas that have been shaped into certain perspectives and ways of thinking that influence everything we do.

It reminds me of when we bought a brand new house years ago.  Jenni and I would regularly slip over to the construction site to see the progress.  At every stage of the build, there were different levels of finish occurring.  The first was the foundation – it was laid and finished.  Next was the framing, then roofing, drywall, flooring, paint, exterior, doors, windows, etc.  Even after we took possession of the house there were still unfinished areas to it.  The downstairs bedrooms and the laundry room were only roughed in.  It was liveable but not complete.

When I think about the human life and us learning to walk with God, I think about how all of us are at different levels of finish – and my heart’s desire is to help you see how inviting Jesus and His leadership and authority into those areas can bring SO much life and joy!

Some of you are just at the point of laying the foundation – you are exploring Jesus and what it means to walk with Him.  Others are further along and you have a biblical foundation in Jesus and have all the framing and roofing, but you need to put insulation in and drywall.

So, the question is, what is still unfinished in you?  Where do you still need to be formed?

These areas will be the tender areas of your life – the places you get upset or mad, the places you are tempted to run towards sin or escape.  They will be the things you see in other people that get you riled up.  They are places where you still need to be discipled into Jesus.

It is Paul saying in Philippians 2:12b-13

“continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.”

God is working in you and wants to work in you.  It is His Kingdom coming on earth as it is in heaven and it is us working out our salvation – being formed and finished.

That’s why, when other pastors get together, I don’t brag about the size of our church or the style of music.  What I brag on is the people – you – who are being formed more and more to look like Jesus.

The neighborhoods that are impacted because you are in them.  The workplaces filled with grace because you bring the Kingdom with you into them.  The schools being transformed from the inside out.  It is a church becoming disciples and making disciples of the world.  It is the mission of Jesus…

Matthew 28:19-20
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.””

This Christmas,  you are going to probably give a lot of gifts to the people in your life.  What if this year you chose to give the gift of a fully formed and finished life lived for Jesus.  What if you started taking those places where you get upset, mad, or are tempted to run to Jesus and let him work in you.  This means doing serious reflection, serious prayer, it means slowing down, it means repenting, it means be intentional.  But I promise you, the thing that will matter most is that it means recapturing life – becoming the man you were supposed to be.  Becoming the woman God sees you have the potential to be.  It means being discipled and making disciples.

Decide to give that gift.  Start by just simply saying this dangerous prayer:

“Jesus, I know there are areas of my life that are unfinished.  Please reveal them to me and help me to be patient with myself and to let you work in me.    Work in my life to fulfill your good purposes.  Make me a disciple and help me to make disciples.  I want to be more like you Jesus – teach me.  I ask this in your powerful name, Amen.”

Serving Jesus,

Kent A Wagner

Kent A. Wagner


Harmony Has Space to Lease

Christmas Round smallYou’ve likely never seen just how big Harmony really is!  Did you know we have up to 12,000 square feet of undeveloped area as well as 10,000 square feet of Dock space available for lease?

If you know of a business looking for space, do us a favor and pass Harmony along.  Have them contact David for more info (502) 863-9830.

By getting this space leased, we can unleash more dollars for ministry to Advance the Kingdom!


SEE HOW IT WORKS: Text $1 to (859) 459-0316, afterward text “refund” (no quotes) to get a refund.
In the future simply save the Text2Give number on your phone and text any amount (add ‘weekly’, ‘biweekly’, ‘monthly’, or ‘yearly’ for a recurring gift).

Command Description
$50 Donates $50 to to Harmony. You can type any amount; the dollar sign is optional (e.g. $50 and 50 both work).
give $50 Same as above.
give You will receive a response asking “how much you’d like to give”.
$50 missions Donates $50 to the missions fund. You can also give to the building fund this way (example: $50 building)
$50 weekly Sets up a recurring gift of $50 each week. Frequency options are ‘weekly’, ‘biweekly’, ‘monthly’, and ‘yearly’.
$50 missions weekly Sets up a recurring gift of $50 each week to the missions fund. Frequency options are ‘weekly’, ‘biweekly’, ‘monthly’, and ‘yearly’.
refund Refunds the previously given contribution. This command can only create a refund within 24 hours of giving the gift. If the previously given contribution started a recurring gift, the recurrence will also be canceled.
update Allows a donor to update their payment method or recurring gift.  You will receive a response with a link where you can make these changes. Please note: You can only update recurring gifts via text when the recurring gift was established via text giving.
unlink Unlinks a your phone from the text-to-give system. If you want to set-up two recurring gifts from two different methods, using “unlink” will allow the donor to set-up a secondary recurring gift from an additional method.
commands Provides the user with a list of the available generic text commands (will not include the unique specific keywords you have set up for your church)

HCC Financial Update

The Past 12 Weeks at a glance

by David Burchfield

For the last 12 weeks our giving is about 78% of plan. In November we have seen increased giving compared to October, thank you! We are continuing to monitor finances from the giving that was down the last several months. We continue to look at where we can delay or push back on planned ministry expenses.  

We have a new method of giving. I know many of you use Facebook to stay in touch with Harmony, friends and family. You have probably seen someone using the donate button to celebrate a birthday, a charity that is special to them, etc. Harmony now has a “Donate” button on our Facebook site and those contributions come straight to Harmony (there is an approximate 16 day delay in receiving funds from Facebook processes).  We decided to add this giving option for several reasons:

  • This is completely free of any fees as Facebook covers all fees.
  • Provides another option to give that people are used to doing in this digital economy

Please keep this in mind when giving we have the following options to give, so please use whatever works best for you:

  • Giving easily using Breeze
    1. online at
    2. by text for example text “$50” to 859-459-0316 to give $50
  • Direct ACH (automatically withdraw from your bank)
  • Physical check placed in giving boxes or mailed to Harmony
  • Cash placed in giving boxes
  • Facebook “Donate” button on Harmony’s Facebook page.

We have now transitioned most everyone from PushPay to Breeze. This will be saving fees very soon once we are completely off PushPay. Just a reminder that switching from PushPay to Breeze saves us $4,200 per year in fees. Breeze is super simple to give for example $100, just text $100 to 859-459-0316 or click on “give” online. If you haven’t tried it, please pray and ask God what He would have you give. 

Be sure to check out the TV at the Generosity station in the lobby to see the latest information. Thank you for your generosity.   

If you have any questions about giving options or the financial processes of the church, don’t hesitate to reach out to me and I will be glad to answer. Thank you again for your generosity!  

-David Burchfield.

The Past 12 Weeks At a Glance

  • Avg weekly giving is $8842 which is up from the November Report of $8644.   

  • This is 89.15 of critical needs, which is up from the November Report of 87.5%. 

  • It is 78.3 of full ministry need, which is up from the November Report of 77%.

  • Avg weekly live attendance is 307 which is up from 298 from Nov Report.

  • Total baptisms year to date is 11, up one from Nov Report, praise the Lord.

*This amount DOES NOT reflect income from facility rentals (which was typically included in numbers on our Sunday morning slides).  It is offering only.

**These percentages DO include facility rental income.

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Devotional Thought:  Matt McKenzie

Each month one of the elders from our leadership team provides a little devotional encouragement for you.  Take a few minutes to be encouraged by this video:

Ministry Corner: 
Worship Pastor Search Update

by Kent Wagner
& Vikki Reel

I wanted to give you a quick update on our worship pastor search.  We have had several candidates who have seemed like they may be good fits, but for various reasons have not worked out.  Our team continues to search and pray for the right person.  We are regularly meeting and interviewing candidates and believe that it is worth waiting to find the person God has for our team.  Our goal is to find someone who is a humble leader who understands how to lead people into the throne room of God for worship.  We are realistic in our expectations of what that will entail but are also committed to bringing the right person into this role for our church.  Please continue to pray for our search team as we look for that person.

In the meantime, let me just say something about our current worship team.  We have some of the most amazing vocalists and musicians I have ever seen in a church.  They are gifted beyond measure and serve tirelessly.  I don’t think most people know that they give upwards of 2-3 hours a week outside of Sunday mornings (which is another 3 hrs).  When they get up to lead worship, they have prayed and practiced and are literally giving us a gift of their talent and hard work.  So, let me ask you to give them the best gift you can give a worship leader.  The very best gift a worship leader can receive is to have the people they lead in worship sing their guts out to Jesus in worship of Him.  They don’t do this to put on a rock show each week.  They give all that time so they see you connect with Jesus in a way that brings healing and hope into your life.  So, this week, and next week, and the week after that, raise your hands, close your eyes, focus on Jesus the author and perfector of your faith and sing your guts out!

Get it on your calendar!

The Hangout

The Hangout

After 2nd Service

The First Sunday of Every Month

Come, buy your food, and hangout

@ Country Boy

December Missions Information

to reach the world…


Our missions team has continued to pray over and evaluate our supported missions efforts.  One mission that we have already confirmed our support for was Brian and Mary Beth Stubenrauch with Globe International that do mission work in Thailand. Brian and Mary Beth went on the mission field within 3 months of getting married and have been in Thailand for over 20 years. They will be returning back to Thailand early next year to start in a new area of Thailand where there is a great need to share the gospel. We have made a generous one-time donation of $5,000 from our missions reserve to help with return post-pandemic/getting set up with their new location in Thailand. Also, we will be supporting them monthly. Stories of impact like this are only possible because of your generosity, THANK YOU!

We had previously reported that we would finalize our mission support plan in November, but due to schedules, travel, illness, and Thanksgiving holiday we will now finalize our support plan in December, so please pray for God to guide the missions team by His Holy Spirit and give us the wisdom to be the good stewards as we Advance the Kingdom by Living for God and Loving People. Again, Thank you!

Ershal Harrison – Chair / David Burchfield – Co-Chair

Upcoming Events

March 2025
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Isaiah 41:10
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”

Our Latest Podcasts

Sermon Talks
Sermon Talks
Taming Anger: Spiritual Formation and the Fuse Within
  • Taming Anger: Spiritual Formation and the Fuse Within

    Taming Anger: Spiritual Formation and the Fuse Within

    Mar 11, 2025 •

    The sermon explores the nature of anger, and how it manifests in individuals and offers practical and spiritual practices for transforming one’s response to anger. The central argument is that changing our response to anger requires a fundamental shift in our internal spiritual formation, not just superficial behavioral changes. Key…

  • Week 2 - Breaking Rage

    Week 2 - Breaking Rage

    Mar 11, 2025 • 39:08

    Are we black cat fuses, ready to explode, or green fuses, slow to burn? What’s shaping our hearts? Let’s break rage together—tune in! EASY TO GIVE at Harmony, text any amount to (859) 459-0316 to get started (or give online @ ). Get the fill in the blank bulletins…

  • Fight: Handling Conflict in a Healthy Way

    Fight: Handling Conflict in a Healthy Way

    Mar 3, 2025 •

    Main Themes: Key Ideas and Facts: Actionable Insights:

  • Week 1 - Anger - When it's Good, When it's Bad

    Week 1 - Anger - When it's Good, When it's Bad

    Mar 3, 2025 • 35:13

    What if our anger isn’t the problem, but how we use it is? Are we letting it lead us to sin, or using it to fight for others? Tune in this Sunday to find out! EASY TO GIVE at Harmony, text any amount to (859) 459-0316 to get started (or…

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Harmony Christian Church job opening children's pastor

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