Connect Group Questions
February 26, 2023 – Week 4 – “This is Not the Jesus You are Looking For” (Section 32)
Playing, Praying, and Growing together
Last weeks service
This Weeks ?’s
Leader Hints are designed to help guide a leader to some information that we want to “tease” out of the group. They are not there for you to directly read to the participants. People are significantly more likely to remember things they said or came up with, so your goal is to help direct them to that answer.
FINAL NOTE: Our goal is to get to the [APPLICATION QUESTION] to help work with people through how to apply what God is doing in their life.
- Tell your funniest story where you thought you knew something but didn’t. This can be with directions, people’s names, a recipe, etc. And it’s okay to tell on your spouse.
- Recall last week’s application question: “What steps can you take this week towards living more for God and loving people more?” Does anyone have an example of how they lived this?
- What stuck out to you from the sermon?
- Read Luke 4:16-30.
a. Leader Hint: Point out that the gospel parallels are Matthew 13:53-58 and Mark 6:1-6.
b. Leader Hint 2: The scripture Jesus reads is Isaiah 61:1-2. Don’t spend too much time here but ask a brave soul to read this verse. The best way to get familiar with the prophets is to read them. - Does anyone know what ‘the year of the Lord’s favor’ means in verse 19?
a. Leader Hint: The Israelites had many holidays in honor of the Sabbath (weekly, annually, and every 7 years), but this is the ultimate holiday. Once every 7×7 years, the Year of Jubilee is to be celebrated, all slaves were to be freed and all debts were to be cancelled. (Leviticus This looks forward to when God will reunite Heaven and Earth. Encourage anyone in your group to explore ancient Jewish holidays centered around the Sabbath and rest during the upcoming week. - Back to the story. He paired Luke 4:16-30 with Matthew 7:21-23. Read this. What was Kent’s main point?
- What sort of emotions or responses came when Kent said, “A casual acquaintance is almost more dangerous than complete ignorance?” How can this be true?
- Kent kept yelling at us to “TURN NOW!” But to what and why?
a. Leader Hint: Towards being a disciple of Jesus – Matt 28.
b. Leader Hint 2: Let people come up with reasons on why it’s important but get to intentionality. Discipleship requires intentionality and intentionality forms habits. - But this is still too abstract to make tangible changes. What were Kent’s three moves we can make towards discipleship?
- a. Leader Hint: Die to yourself, Live by faith, and Learn the heart of Jesus.
- Still abstract, but different people can make these moves in different ways. What do these mean? What is a real way to practice any of these? Which one(s) do you struggle with the most?
a. Leader Hint: If there is time, you may want to take these 1 at a time.
Application Question:
- Choose 1 of these 3 for yourself. It doesn’t have to be the one you struggle with the most. Decide on an action to move in that way this week and commit to doing it. Does anyone want to share what comes to mind?
a. Leader Hint: Lead by example. Have one prepared to share with the group. And as the week goes on, update the group. - Take up prayer requests and pray as a group.
General Spiritual RESOURCES:
- Submit a Prayer Request
- About Baptism
- How to talk to your kids about Baptism
- FREE eBook Trail Guide Book
- Financial Counseling
Play, Pray, & Grow Together!
Life change happens better in circles than in rows!
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Does your group have a prayer request that you think would be helpful for our care ministry team to know about and be praying for? Submit it below:
Our church has an INCREDIBLE care ministry team. They regularly pray over the needs in our church and contact those who need care. If you need prayer, please submit your request here.