Wednesday night Need-to-Know:
Wednesday night need-to-know:
Wednesday nights have become a wonderful time of fellowship and teaching at Harmony. Not just for adults but for all the kids as well! With the addition of United Talent, we have over 100 children here on Wednesday nights, which is amazing! We’ve gone ahead and put together some guidelines that we ask all parents and children to follow to create a safe environment for our children and United Talent families.
- Dinner: Please make sure an adult is walking through the line with your child and please be mindful of serving size. We have multiple people coming in throughout the dinner period and we would like to make sure we have enough food for everyone.
- Playground/Lobby: The playground and lobby are amazing places for our kids to play during this fellowship time from 5:30-6:15! However, due to the number of recent injuries we’ve been seeing on the playground, we ask that you make the best decision for your family when it comes to monitoring your kids after dinner is finished. Please also set the expectation with your kids of safe play to help create an environment that is enjoyable for all of them!
- Classrooms: Children (Nursery – 5th grade) are not able to enter their classrooms until 6:15. Remember, most of our Kid’s Team Volunteers are coming straight from work and need time to get their lessons ready to go for the night. There may be times when your child can enter early, but that is up to the specific teacher.
- K-2nd Grade in the Fellowship Hall: Because we do have a class in the same space as dinner, we understand that kids will be in there while we are setting up. Please make sure you let a Kid’s Team Volunteer know that you are dropping them off in the room. This will let our leaders know the child is not allowed to leave the room from that moment on.
- Pick up: Our Kid’s Team Volunteers love Wednesday nights and your kids, please make sure to pick up your children (with their tag) at 7:45, no later than 8:00. We want to make sure the volunteers have ample time to clean up and get home.