Boyd & Joy

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Newer to Harmony?

Join us the second Sunday of every month (right after both services) for a quick 15-minute informational meeting where you can meet Kent and other staff, as well as learn more about Harmony and get your questions answered!

Hey there,

Boyd & Joy

My name is Kent Wagner and I wanted to personally reach out and say, “thank you” for being our guest at Harmony.

I know attending a new church can feel overwhelming and be a little nerve-racking.

I hope your experience at Harmony was valuable and encouraging and that you will consider joining us again next week.

[quick links]

We really view every guest that comes through our door as a gift from God and seek to do our best to treat you that way.

Before you came were you able to check out our website (, or maybe our Facebook page and find the information you needed?  If you were not able to find answers before coming, please don’t hesitate to let me know, I will be sure to correct the issue to help make it easier in the future for others who are considering coming to Harmony.

We are not the perfect church and we are not perfect people – but we work very hard to create an environment where you and your loved ones can come every week to be filled with the truth and love found in Jesus.  Our hope is to be able to help you, and every person who comes to Harmony, become active parts of Advancing God’s Kingdom by Living for God and Loving People! 

At the end of the day, I just wanted to reach out and let you know that we were very glad to have you spend the Sunday with us and, as a church, we can’t wait to get to know you better.

God bless,

Kent Wagner

Senior Pastor

PS – Harmony has an online community Facebook Group – it’s a great way to stay up-to-date, click here to join!

Harmony Christian church missions statement

Our Mission:

We know that it’s tough to get the full picture of what a church is really like without investing significant amounts of time.

And so I wanted to try and turbocharge your experience at Harmony Christian Church (HCC) and get you ahead of the pack!

Our church has a very simple mission we are Advancing the Kingdom by Living for God and Loving people.

We believe if we do those two things (live for God & love people), we will make a huge difference in every area of life we engage in:


As you attend HCC we know you will begin to see God work in your life, part of responding to that working is learning to live for God.  This might look like rededicating your life if you used to go to church but lost touch, get baptized, commit to reading the bible daily or start a routine of praying regularly.  Whatever it is, we believe everyone has a next step in living for God and we want to help you grow in your spiritual commitment to God.


No one is an Island.  We‘ve found if you don’t make several significant connections within the first three months of attending HCC, you will, likely, not continue to stay involved.  That’s why we work very hard to have opportunities for you to engage in building relationships with others.  

Making Friends:


Easy ways to start building relationships @ Harmony:

TIP:  We know not everyone is comfortable forming new relationships (especially when there are so many people to get to know).  We find it helps to focus on a few friendly people that you have met and intentionally connect with them weekly. We believe everyone needs to find their tribe at church and we want to help you get connected by joining Encounter or a Connect Group.

Join us for Encounter on Wednesday Nights or Join a Connect Group

Encounter is our Wednesday night Connect Groups. Encounter is a way for the whole family to connect on one night. We have a weekly meal from 5:45-6:15pm during the school year. At 6:30 we break into groups for adults, Awanas for kids, and programming for middle schoolers.  

We also offer daytime and evening Connect Groups throughout the rest of the week. 

To learn more about getting connected at Harmony text CONNECT to 502-822-2277

Loiter in the Lobby

There is a reason we serve coffee and snacks and have the play place in our lobby – we want to encourage people to stick around and talk to each other.  I’d encourage you to find one or two friendly faces and get to know them. 

Use the Acronym “FORM” to help you do this:
Family (Ask about kids, how they met, etc)
Occupation (what do they do for a living? enjoy it?)
Religion (have they gone to Harmony long?)
Mission (what gets them pumped in life?)

I hope this helps you figure out how to get connected at Harmony, if there is ever anything we can do for you, don’t hesitate to reach out (

Join Harmony’s Online Community Facebook Group

Got a Teen?  Join our FB Group for Parents

Text to Learn about groups

We have regular opportunities throughout the year to join a Connect Group (small groups that meet throughout the semester).  But some people are ready to get connected NOW!  If that is you, simply click the button below and hit "send" on the text message it populates.  Our team will provide concierge level service and text back to learn more about you and how we can serve you.

Meet our Staff

We have an incredibly talented staff that loves God and people well.  Take a moment to learn about some of the ministries we offer and how you can get involed today!

30 Second Questionnaire to Help you find your fit and get involved
making a difference!

Click the button below to get started in finding your fit in ministry.  Let us help you figure out the best way for you to make a difference at Harmony!  Filling out the 30-second questionnaire is not a commitment to anything other than getting more information and letting us know how we can serve you.


By the way, if you didn’t pick up a free copy of our book “A Trail Guide to Following Jesus” you can get a digital version for free by clicking here or audio version here.  It’s a great way to jump-start “Living for God.”
Want more free resources?  Check out our resource page online.
Check out our monthly online newsletter.

web trail guide

I also thought you might find it interesting to know the values our church uses as guiding principles for how we make decisions and live out our faith in this world.  Here they are:


  1. We stand with each other for the mission 
  2. We put people above process 
  3. We are real people having a really good time (a non-stuffy church)
  4. We are shockingly generous
  5. We are a church of second chances (we lead with Grace)


Learn more about our values

Learn about Harmony’s Beliefs