December 8, 2024 – The Cost of Christmas
A Deeper Look at the True Meaning of the Season
Christmas is often seen as a time of joy, celebration, and family gatherings. However, the true essence of Christmas goes beyond the festive decorations and gift-giving. It is a story of sacrifice, love, and the ultimate cost paid by Jesus Christ for humanity. This blog post delves into the profound message of a recent sermon, exploring the real cost of Christmas and its implications for our lives.
The True Cost of Christmas
What Does Christmas Really Mean?
Christmas is not just about the birth of Jesus in a manger; it is about God coming to be with us. The term “Emmanuel” means “God with us,” signifying the divine presence among humanity. This act of God becoming human came with significant sacrifices and challenges.
The Sacrifices of Mary and Joseph
Mary and Joseph’s journey was far from the sanitized version we often see in nativity scenes. Mary, a young teenager, faced societal judgment and whispers due to her pregnancy. Joseph, initially planning to divorce her quietly, chose to stay after an angelic visitation. Their journey to Bethlehem, finding no room in the inn, and giving birth in a manger were all part of the cost they bore for the birth of Jesus.
The Humility of God
God, who controls the universe, chose to come in the form of a helpless baby. This act of humility meant experiencing human limitations, from childhood to adulthood. Jesus knew what it was like to be misunderstood, to suffer, and to face the ultimate sacrifice on the cross.
The Cross: The Ultimate Cost
The Gravity of the Cross
The cross is the focal point of all human history. Jesus’ crucifixion was not just a tragic event; it was the moment when all the sins of humanity were placed upon Him. This act of ultimate sacrifice was the cost of Christmas, paid for our redemption.
The Suffering of Jesus
Jesus endured unimaginable pain and suffering. From being beaten and mocked to carrying the weight of the cross, His journey to Calvary was filled with agony. Yet, He bore it all for the joy set before Him—the joy of reconciling humanity with God.
The Ripple Effect of the Cross
The Apostles’ Sacrifices
The message of the cross spread like wildfire, but it came at a cost. The apostles faced severe persecution. Paul was beheaded, Peter was crucified upside down, and John was boiled in oil. Their sacrifices were a testament to the cost of spreading the message of Christmas.
The Cost of Faith Today
Even today, being a follower of Christ comes with its own set of challenges and sacrifices. From the Sunday school teacher who faithfully teaches children to the parent who instills faith in their kids, the cost of Christmas is borne in various ways.
Life Application
Embracing the Cost
Understanding the true cost of Christmas challenges us to live differently. It calls us to embrace sacrifice, humility, and love in our daily lives. This week, consider how you can bear the cost of Christmas in your own life.
Reflection Questions
1. Who in your life has paid a price for you to know Jesus?
2. How can you show gratitude for the sacrifices made by others?
3. What steps can you take to share the message of Christmas with someone who is far from God?
Weekly Challenge
This week, take a moment to write a Christmas card to someone who has impacted your faith journey. Express your gratitude and let them know you are praying for them. Additionally, think of someone who is far from God and reach out to them with a message of hope and love.
Christmas is a time to remember the incredible cost paid by Jesus and the sacrifices made by those who have gone before us. As we celebrate this season, let us not forget the true meaning of Christmas and the call to live out our faith with courage and perseverance. May we be inspired to bear the cost of Christmas in our own lives, sharing the love and message of Jesus with the world.